Lovers Chocolate Fondant

A delectable dessert for wooing someone special

Valentines Day is just around the corner. My wife and I love a romantic meal out, at Mikis Open Kitchen, Vasse Felix, (I could go on – there’s so many amazing restaurants to choose from in Margaret River) but at Valentines Day we tend to stay home and cook something special.

I might make fresh pasta and a slow cooked ragu. Dessert has to be something chocolatey – I’m thinking ‘Lovers Chocolate Fondant’ fits the bill perfectly.

Chocolate fondant is rich warm decadent dessert that will melt any girls – or guys – heart. Serve immediately from the oven, the outside is cooked and the inside is all gooey and chocolatey.

Tip: if you can’t get it out the mould, bake and serve it in a ramekin, still tastes awesome.

Happy baking – and happy Valentines Day!

Tip #2: for the new lovers and newlyweds – every day is Valentines Day. Look after your loved one, don’t save it up for 14th February!

GM, Stay Margaret River

• melted butter, for greasing
• cocoa powder, for dusting
• 275g (9.5oz) dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids)
• 225g (8oz) unsalted butter
• 400g (14oz) caster sugar
• 0.5tsp vanilla extract
• 5 large free-range eggs, beaten
• 200g (7oz) plain flour, sifted
you will need
• 8 metal pudding bowls or ramekins


1. Heat the oven to 180 C, 160 C fan forded, 350 F, gas 4. Brush the pudding moulds sparingly with melted butter, dust with cocoa powder and shake out the excess. Set aside. Melt the chocolate and butter gently in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar and vanilla extract. Leave to cool slightly.
2. Whisk the eggs into the mixture a little at a time, then fold in the sifted flour and a little salt until you have a smooth mixture.
3. Divide between the moulds – each one two thirds full. Place on the middle shelf of the oven and cook for 12 minutes exactly. Remove from the oven, run a knife round the edges, invert and tip out on to serving plates. Serve immediately with vanilla ice cream and fresh seasonal berries.

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